Charlie-Grace and Laureth on the set of "This Is Your Life".
Thomas and Trea.
Liana and Natalya in the costume room at Capital E.
Laureth and Aaria meet Tintin at Weta.
Time out at rock wall climbing on Queen's Wharf.
Group photo in front of the Beehive.
Playtime in front of Parliament.
Supper time at the YHA.
Carly and Staria start on their "Thinking Challenge" night time activity.
Students from Kahikatea, including many from Room 5, have returned from a fantastic week in Wellington where they stayed at the YHA and experienced many memorable visits to local attractions. Visits were made to the Museum of the City and Sea, Capital E, Te Papa, WETA Cave, Parliament, Zealandia and the Cable Car Museum.
The group also went rock wall climbing, saw "The Hunger Games" at the movies, and experienced helicopter scenic flights over the city. At Capital E, the group made two television programmes; the first being a news programme on an "Alien Invasion", and the second a "This Is Your Life" programme on Lady Gaga. Both can be found on YouTube.
The group also went rock wall climbing, saw "The Hunger Games" at the movies, and experienced helicopter scenic flights over the city. At Capital E, the group made two television programmes; the first being a news programme on an "Alien Invasion", and the second a "This Is Your Life" programme on Lady Gaga. Both can be found on YouTube.
The Room 5 students who attended with Mr Metcalfe were Thomas Cook, Liana Scott-Nanthasack, Tayla Lewis-Devlyn, Aaria Pene, Laureth Chapman, Staria Green, and Carly McIlroy.