What's On This Term

Text Box: DLU Homework Challenges
A challenge is something that takes effort and commitment to achieve it. This should be reflected in each of the challenges you choose and complete. The focus for the next two terms will be on challenge ideas from Maeroa’s Specialist Teachers.
You need to complete at least eight challenges from across the categories of your choice. Challenges from Term 1 & 2 can still be used to gain a Koru combined with the new challenges.
Each category gives you the opportunity to create your own challenge should you have something you want to do that is not listed. Talk with your parents, caregivers and teacher about your thinking and what you plan to do. Your teacher will help you shape the challenge further, if necessary, and verify if it is suitable for the category you have chosen.
Share each challenge as you complete it with your teacher (self-check, parent-check and evidence). You must provide evidence of your challenge by way of photos, journal, Google Slides, video, stop animation, interview or some other appropriate way.  
Be sure you have thought about what aspects of the Learners Profile you are working on for each challenge- The Cornerstones of being a Positive Citizen, an Effective Communicator, a Critical Explorer and an Organised Learner.                                                                    
The eight completed Challenges will gain you a Koru, the colour of which will be determined by the balance of your choices from the different categories and negotiated with your teacher.

Text Box: Food Tech Challenges
1) Prepare a three course meal, including the menu, cooking and presenting, photographs of the meal and feedback from the guests.                                                                                                                                      2) Bake a batch of cookies or muffins to give to others eg: elderly neighbours or friends, or teachers.                                                                                                                            3) Dig a bit- create a mini garden and grow a crop of tomatoes, potatoes or vegetables for your family to enjoy.                                                                                                         
Soft Materials Challenges                                                                                                                    4) Make a pattern for a soft toy and re-purpose old clothes, pillows, blankets                  to make them.  (Resource support is available in the Soft Materials room)                 5) Knit a scarf.                                                                                                                            6) Research a famous New Zealand clothing label/designer. How did they get to where they are now?                                                                                                                 7) Have a look at one of your favourite shoes.  How do you think they are put together?  Draw a pattern and label the materials you would use to make it.  Design the fabric pattern you would have and label the attributes.
Dance/Drama Challenges
8) Write your own lyrics to a song you love (video tape you singing it)
9) Create a script for a play for your classmates to perform to the class.
10) Organise a flash mob and video it.
11) Find a famous New Zealander you admire in your favourite Arts field. Complete a presentation on their life story and how they become famous? 
Visual Art Challenges
12) Create your own sketchbook/journal drawings of the world around you - creating drawings through your eyes. These could be ideas for future art works.
13) Create a photography journal of the world around you - from your eyes.  These could be ideas for future art works.                                                                                                   14) Create a photomontage - choosing one theme (eg. Water, Buildings, Cars)                                                                          15) Research a New Zealand artist (Who, How, What, When, Why) & use this work to inspire an artwork of your own.  Don’t copy their work but use aspects of their work to inform your own work.                                                                                                     16) Design your own personal challenge from Food, Soft Materials, Dance/Drama, Visual Art, Explorations, ICT and/or Music.
DLU Homework Challenges 2016 Term 3/4
Text Box: Explorations Technology                                                                                                                                         17) Create a business idea/concept complete with budget, start-up costs, stakeholders. Follow the technology process where they will identify a need in the community,gather stakeholder feedback, create a prototype, test and evaluate the finished product.
18) Research a project idea in pinterest.com, create a budget for materials required to build the project, include a concept sketch/plan complete with measurements in mm.
19) Make a list of ten inventions and put these in chronological order. Describe their importance/impact on life at the time.
20) Research five technology careers. List the qualifications/skills you need for each career and list the subjects at high school you will need to study which are used in each career.
ICT Challenges                                                                                                                                                     21) Use Scratch to design a simple question answer game.
22) Use Lego Robotics website to design a robot and programme it to perform a task.
23) Create a blog in either blogspot or blogger looking at the books you read over the course of a term. Include information about the author, title, illustrator (if applicable) part of a series, a synopsis and personal opinion (with justification)
24) Create a spreadsheet to record your performance in a sporting event. Get it to calculate averages and highlight best performances.
25) Use Scratch to create a game with different levels and a scoring system suitable for under 10 year olds.                                                                                                                                                                  Music Challenges                                                                                                                                        26) Create a remix using Garageband, that contains at least 5 different song edits. Use sound effects to enhance the transitions between the songs. Publish this on your Google site.
27) Write a bio about a famous musician/singer/band. Present a slide show about  them that includes photographs, a discography and examples of their most important songs.
28) Record a re-telling of a short story or poem on Garage Band. Create a soundscape to support and enhance the story. Publish on your Google site.
Number Student Parent Teacher  Number Student Parent Teacher

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed visiting your site R 5. I look forward to reading all the books.
