Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Class Scavenger Hunt at the Hamilton Lake

Our class has been to the Hamilton Lake (Lake Rotoroa) to work in groups of 3 students and accompanied by a parent, and armed with an ipad, to solve the mystery of 20 cryptic clues. We had to film the answers and add the videos and photos into an iMovie, which will then be posted on our blogs. We had a lot of fun at the lake and the two hours went really quickly. We were often asked by people walking around the lake as to what we were doing, and had lots of great comments made. We then went back to school to edit the videos and begin the task of posting them on our blogs. You will be able to view them by clicking on each of our blogs on the side bar when they are down loaded. We hope you enjoy watching them as much as we had making them. The 20 cryptic clues were-
  1. St George’s pet- a mythical creature.
  2. Not the Titanic or the Rangiriri, but a smaller version.
  3. Take a seat- especially the one donated by the family of a former Maeroa School Principal.
  4. If trapped, who will you call? And what cost?
  5. Opened by a Dame? When?
  6. The rocket that goes down, not up!
  7. Watched over by a wooden bald eagle!
  8. The official name for the Lake. When formed? What size?
  9. What fish live here?
  10. Maybe Hamilton’s first Super-duper for when caught short!
  11. Engine, engine number nine, is this number really mine? Who am I?
  12. Your stage challenge! What to perform?
  13. What speed limit? How fast can you go?
  14. Must be on a leash unable to run free.
  15. The birds in the park and on the lake.
  16. Where Road Runners meet? Not at Wile E. Coyote’s place!
  17. Saints alive, he even has a scout group?
  18. Nuisance water weeds, who are you gonna call?
  19. “We are sailing, we are sailing, home again,….”
  20. Type of transport not encouraged.                                                                                                           Pictured below are the groups working on their editing in class.
Campbell, Fiona and Aimee
Harry, Aidan and Robbie
Nicole, Amelia and Olivia
Jasmine, Chayse, Michelle and friend
Brad, Sophie and Natalie
Alex, Flynn and Joaquina
Libby, Bailey and Holly
  1. David, Jesse and Carl
    Ned, Jayden and Keenan
    Brooke, Georgia and Ariana
    Ebony, Jayzelee and Sophie

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